Eric Maierson

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Tracy Boyer at was kind enough to interview me as part of her innovative individuals series. From the article:

Question: How do you drive innovation in your work?

Answer: I want to be a better storyteller. I want to be a better editor. I just want to get better. I never want to feel like I'm doing the same thing I did last time.

My background is in film so I watch plenty of movies. And as anyone who knows me will tell you, I spend lots of time watching things on the Internet, too. I like to think about what others have done, particularly in other fields, and how I can incorporate that into my own work. In the end, though, it always comes back to the basics. How do I create a greater meaning from the combination of two specific images? On my to-do list is producing a story that is complete in just four shots. I like limitations, as they force me to think in new directions.

What I like so much about my job at MediaStorm is that there's always an openness to try new things, to produce in a way that best fits the story at hand. We strive to find the essence. Brian is fond of the quote, "I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn't have the time" which illustrates the difficulty in achieving simplicity.

Plus, I read a lot. If I'm working on a story about a particular subject, I'll read as much as I can. I want to surround myself with material about a topic. Editing is an act of empathy, and the best way to be empathetic is to understand.

Read the rest of the article here.