Eric Maierson

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Managing Media Overload

My attempt to stay sane while scouring the internets:

  • - the indispensable free bookmarking site. I use the official delicious firebox plugin to tag sites I'll probably never view again but want a record of should I have a hankering to revisit the Mafia Nickname Generator.
  • Yojimbo - from Bare Bones software, the makers of BBEedit, this mac application acts like a desktop version of delicious, locally storing URLs for websites you'd like to revisit. Using the Yojimbo bookmarlet, you can easily add URLS or an archived PDF to the application. Yojimbo will also store images, pdfs, and encrypted texts. Helps keep your desktop clean. ($39.00, free trial)
  • Todo (iphone link) - a great iPhone application for keeping lists. It syncs will the free web app Toodledoo. ($9.99)